Monday, July 13, 2009

Sunny Day in May

We were at Miss Jo's house chasing bubbles from a bubble machine. We ran around the yard with Kat and caught many bubbles.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Life Cycle of a Mermaid

click image to see much bigger
1) eggs laid in a shell 2) mermaid princesses hatch out of shell 3-7) live life, grow up 8) fall in love, get married 9) get pregnant 10) lay eggs in grass 11) have kids (note the chaos...)
12) be Grandma 13) write letters to family 14) say goodbye to the sun, retire 15) can't get around so well 16) uh... well...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Misc. Pictures

Here's an outfit Moreah put together from some newly acquired items. She decided that the pink blazer looks sharp with the black-velvet bodiced shiny gold dress. I think she's on to something.

Here's the requested picture of her new bike. We went on a nice walk the other day with Grandma Carol and pictures were taken of everything. Please disregard the frost-blasted vegetation in the background... I'll get to it eventually!

Moreah with little sister Onika. Why is Mo. looking so grownup to me?? She's only 8 for goodness sake! Well, for a couple of months more... Ok, so she's almost 9. Ugh.

Moreah apparently doesn't think I hold Vignette enough.
The second she squeaks, someone comes along and scoops her up.
My favorite part is when they give me a reproving look, like "Sheesh, Lady! It's a wonder any of us made it to solid foods with the way you ignore your babies!" I know, I know. I'm so neglectful.

Friday, October 17, 2008

New Baby Sister!

I love holding my new Sister, Vignette! She is so tiny. She is 10 days old today. I saw her be born in the birth pool and I cried. I took a video of the whole thing.
Now I hold her whenever Mommy needs to do something like make lunch, go to the bathroom, or grab Azrielle (who's 2).
I'm a big helper.
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Sunday, October 12, 2008

new bike

I have a new bike. I can even ride it and I gave my old scooter to Onika. Here is the things I can do. I can ride it when we go for a walk. I can ride it when I go to my friend Emmett's house. And I can do it when I go to the park. And I love to ride it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Picture Day!

Daddy took us to get professional pictures taken. Mommy was too stressed out. But she ended up getting us ready anyway.

The lady was very nice. We all wore the same dress.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bringing this thing up to date...

I went to Seattle this Spring with my Family. When we got there, Onika and I said "Washington! Washington! Hooray!"
And when we got to my Grandma Carol and Grandpa Bill's house, I was so tired of sitting in the car! (See video on the Left)
We had lots of fun, and I saw lots of Aunts and Uncles. We had a special dinner after my Great Grandmas Memorial Service.
I have an Uncle Jim, and Onika liked him alot.

After we left Grandma Carol's house, we went to Gram's apartment.

We saw lots of cousins and went bowling for the first time! I did a good job, and Onika too.

I want to go back to Seattle soon!

Just last month Gram came to visit us here in Indiana. We went to the zoo and had Bento lunches. I saw cute little monkeys, I think they were called Tamarins. We saw a daddy long legs spider, but it wasn't in a cage. It made me feel a little itchy.

We sewed silly sock creatures, and it was my first real sewing project. Mom helped a little. My creature's name is "Curtsy". She has a little skirt.

We are going to do fireworks tomorrow night with our friends, the Oldings. I can't wait! Tomorrow is the day we gained our freedom as a country. The fireworks stand for the cannons and scary war that was necessary for our nations freedom. I hope we see lots of flags tomorrow.
