Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Misc. Pictures

Here's an outfit Moreah put together from some newly acquired items. She decided that the pink blazer looks sharp with the black-velvet bodiced shiny gold dress. I think she's on to something.

Here's the requested picture of her new bike. We went on a nice walk the other day with Grandma Carol and pictures were taken of everything. Please disregard the frost-blasted vegetation in the background... I'll get to it eventually!

Moreah with little sister Onika. Why is Mo. looking so grownup to me?? She's only 8 for goodness sake! Well, for a couple of months more... Ok, so she's almost 9. Ugh.

Moreah apparently doesn't think I hold Vignette enough.
The second she squeaks, someone comes along and scoops her up.
My favorite part is when they give me a reproving look, like "Sheesh, Lady! It's a wonder any of us made it to solid foods with the way you ignore your babies!" I know, I know. I'm so neglectful.


Anonymous said...

Such the young lady...already!!!? We are all pulling on your reins girl.Love you, and miss you!

Ritzman said...

Thank you for saying that.
When I read it it made me feel all grown up!
I can't wait until I see you again,

Anonymous said...

I especially like the picture of you on your bike. I'm glad I came to see you on Halloween and to go on a walk with you. Did you think it was silly when I rode your bike? Riding bikes was my favorite thing to do when I was nine and secretly, I still like it.
Soon we will be able to SEE each other on the computer phone. That will be fun too.

lyndithepooh said...

moreah i like your blog bye

love lyndi.

lyndithepooh said...

love the bike
moreah bug.