Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Reading Lesson

Today I practiced my reading to Mama. I sat in bed with her and read out loud to her.
I read lesson #27 from the Christian Eclectic Second Reader by William H. McGuffey.

There was a land a great way off, which was called Sheba. A queen was the ruler of it. When she heard of the glory of Solomon, she took a long journey to see and to talk with him.
She came to Jerusalem, the city in which Solomon lived, with a very great train of servants, of camels that bore spices, and very much gold and precious stones.
That she might know whether he was as wise as had been said, she asked him a great many hard questions. He answered them all.
She paid particular attention to everything which she saw. She was very much struck with the number of his servants and the splendor of their garments - especially the beautiful temple which he had built for the worship of God. Her mind was full of admiration.
She said to the king, "It was a true report that I heard in my own land,of your sayings and of your wisdom.But I did not believe till I came and saw things as they really are - and behold, the half was not told to me. Your wisdom and prosperity are far above anything of which I have heard.
"Happy are your subjects! Happy are these servants, who stand continually before you and who hear your wisdom."
And she praised the great God for His goodness both to him and to his people: "Blessed be the Lord your God who delights in you, to set you on the throne of Israel, because the Lord loved Israel forever. Therefore He made you king, to do judgement and justice."
She made the king a large present of gold and a very great store of spices and of precious stones. The king also gave costly gifts to her. Then she went back to her own land and people.
It would be a great thing to be as fine and wise and rich and glorious as Solomon. Would it not?
Indeed it would. Yet we might have all these fine things and not be happy. Fine clothes and fine things cannot make the mind of anyone happy.
Solomon found that this was the case. We must have the favor of God and love and serve Him, or we shall never gain what we are seeking after.


Then I did the rest of my school day. You can look Here at my Mom's Blog to see what else I did in my school today.
I like reading my reading lessons. They are kind of old fashioned, but I learn lots of new words. If there is a word that does not follow the rules, or I just don't know it, Mama helps me sound it out.


Anonymous said...

Very impressive, honey.

Marla said...

Tag! You are it Moreah! That means you need to write seven things about what makes you special. It can be syour favorite toys, games or funny things you do or have done. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Moreah, I like that your mom chose old stories for you to read. Best of all, they are TRUE and not just make believe.