Friday, December 14, 2007

I'm Eight!!

Happy Birthday Moreah! from Beth Ritzman on Vimeo.

December 12th was my Eighth Birthday!

I got a horse to paint, and a loom to make a purse. I got a horse puzzle and a square puzzle. There was some art stuff and some clothes, a couple of dolls, and a bunch of money! Thank you for all the lovely presents and cards.

My Mommy hid my presents, and my sister, Onika gave me clues about where to find them. I found them all very easily. It was so fun!

We went to Carlos O'Kellys for dinner, we had fried ice cream for dessert. My Mommy and I went to a Movie, Enchanted, all by ourselves.


Carol said...

Dear Moreah,
It was fun watching your birthday video on the blog while we talked on the phone. Eight years ago you were born right here in this house. We were all excited to see the new baby that came into our world. You are very sweet and you will always hold a special place in my heart.
Love, Grandma Carol

Anonymous said...

Take a look in the mirror and see what eight years of family and God's love, good friends, and YOU have done to the little person given us on that day. Boy, have those eight years gone fast! Love you Moreah Bug!!!!

Emmett Greider said...

Happy birthday!! Glad you had a good one, and glad your family has become friends with our family. Here's to many years of fun and fellowship together!

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